“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” Maya Angelou
Regret is a feeling of failure for me. A bucket list gives me hope. Waking up happy is a sign of confidence. Thinking about yourself first is a sign of growth. Being able to be alone is a sign of liking myself. I can decide where I put my energy. A peaceful life is learning to let others be themselves — learning that control of others is not a goal.
Where do I fit with my dreams — my hopes — my attitude about myself.
There are certain duties I cannot ignore. Spending my time alone all day would become unproductive and monotonous. A mix of alone and people time is what I crave. My early years and adult life has been focused on making sure everyone around me is ok. The shock of my life was when I realized that no one wanted me to do this for them. My way does not help others live their best life. My energy has been wasted. I felt empty at the end of the day. No one changed their lifestyle or habits based on my words. When I spent my day in others lives, I never had to open my soul and see myself.
I don’t want to waste any more time worrying about what I should be doing. Everyone in my life will be okay finding their own path. It is not my responsibility to make sure success is a guarantee for others. My children are grown, my husband is living a full retired life and our parents are gone. I have a flexible work schedule and make sure that my income matches our expenses — debt is not an option at this point of our lives.
Time goes by fast and at the end of the day — I want to know that I enjoyed it. I said before that I need to exert my energy on myself. What a concept to have a choice for my day each morning.

Adventure, Fun and Laughter