Category: My Discoveries (Page 1 of 2)

I Can Choose What My Day Is Like

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”   Maya Angelou

Regret is a feeling of failure for me.  A bucket list gives me hope.  Waking up happy is a sign of confidence. Thinking about yourself first is a sign of growth.  Being able to be alone is a sign of liking myself. I can decide where I put my energy. A peaceful life is learning to let others be themselves — learning that control of others is not a goal.

Where do I fit with my dreams — my hopes — my attitude about myself.

There are certain duties I cannot ignore.  Spending my time alone all day would become unproductive and monotonous. A mix of alone and people time is what I crave. My early years and adult life has been focused on making sure everyone around me is ok.  The shock of my life was when I realized that no one wanted me to do this for them.  My way does not help others live their best life.  My energy has been wasted.  I felt empty at the end of the day.  No one changed their lifestyle or habits based on my words.  When I spent my day in others lives, I never had to open my soul and see myself.

I don’t want to waste any more time worrying about what I should be doing.  Everyone in my life will be okay finding their own  path.  It is not my responsibility to make sure success is a guarantee for others. My children are grown, my husband is living a full retired life and our parents are gone.  I have a flexible work schedule and make sure that my income matches our expenses — debt is not an option at this point of our lives.

Time goes by fast and at the end of the day — I want to know that I enjoyed it.  I said before that I need to exert my energy on myself.   What a concept to have a choice for my day each morning.

Adventure, Fun and Laughter




Happiness Lessons

Is there anyone happier than Goldie Hawn?  My whole life I have had a wish to meet her.  I think being in her presence would be such a gift.  She seems to have the magic touch when it comes to positivity and joy.

She has been making the podcast circuit and hearing her stories just makes me admire her more.  My favorite statement from her — “I want to solve a problem, I don’t want to keep talking about it.”

To me, there are few people in the world who think this way.   There is too much noise in the world — creativity is drowned out by all the media ideas — which to me is just designed to make money, not build a successful life.

Goldie Hawn’s Mind Up Program  is designed  to address the stress that kids deal with every day and to reduce their feelings of anxiety.   I know for sure that my childhood gave me a great beginning to developing my imagination.  I will say though, every generation believes their childhood was the best way to grow up.

Stress and anxiety lived deep within me once I reached my twenties.  I was not confident and my lack of life experience gave me nothing to hang on to.  My choices were right for the moment and my best lesson was that nothing was a mistake just a series of forward moves. I needed a mentor —

Who Is That Person For You?

I wish one thing — that I had learned meditation and a way to focus on what my goal was for the future.  I had no plan, Without looking forward, it meant that anxiety became my friend.

I needed to believe in myself and not depend on anyone to make me happy.  Lessons learned — looking back I know that my journey was exactly what led me to the joy that I feel now.

A Fulfilled Life

What would happen if you came across a description of a person looking for a job that matched everything you might need to keep your life fulfilled?  Instead of dating apps, there should be “making life better” apps.  Just imagine the possibilities.  It wouldn’t necessarily have to be something you could afford, just meeting each other’s goals at different times of life.  Here are my ideas:

  • Chef in training who needs referrals for a family who never have time to cook dinner
  • Retired professor who is bored and would offer extra tutoring to failing college students
  • Grandparents who do not live near their family to pick up kids from school and help with homework
  • Beginning author to write down lesser known family stories while hoping to find an agent to publish their book
  • Athletes who no longer play to organize a Physical Education Program at Elementary Schools

I know the list could be endless.  What a positive move it would be to match people who could offer each other experiences that move them along in life…… Who would be your perfect fit?

Who Is That Person For You?

When To Say No — When To Say Yes

I recently discovered an app called The Tapping Solution that has given me a great tool to combat my anxiety.  Being diagnosed with high blood pressure was something I denied for many years.  It became apparent that I could not talk myself out of it.  I kept explaining it away with excuses that ran from Whitecoat Syndrome to caffeine.  I was desperate to stay away from medication until one day it got so high that I was turned away from a dental appointment.  Time to face reality Sherry!  

In my need to understand my health situation, I needed to understand my patterns and my inability to change.  Of course there is age and facing the fact that my tolerance for going at all speeds, keeping on extra pounds since menopause and irregular exercise habits were key components to my diagnosis.  But in taking stock of my inner voice, I realized that I always deny that I am not 100% in health or energy. I told my doctor that there is no way that I can be sick or rendered slower because not only do people depend on me — I must always be available to say yes to anything asked of me.   She looked at me and just shook her head — “you need to learn to say no.”

I have been trying to understand what saying no means.  It is such a foreign concept to me that it never enters my mind to use the phrase “that doesn’t work for me.”  It has been a source of pride for me to make hard things easy for others.   This has been my life’s work, making others appreciate what I can do for them.  I do not know how to meet my needs first. More than that, what are my needs?

Always Teaching

The childhood lesson of chores before fun has stayed with me my whole life.  Leaving the house without the bed made or dishes in the dishwasher would ruin the rest of my day.  As sad as this sounds, it would haunt me all day to know that I left before the house was in order.

It seems this thought process follows me everywhere I go in my day.  If there is no time left for fun at the end of the day, then I accomplished something. Fun can wait.  Over time this has damaged my health and well being.  It is not sustainable to never think about what life has to offer other than work.  I need to add play to my life.  Why is it so hard for me  to think about discovering nature or activities that do not lead to a paycheck.  I never learned to value just me being me.  I defined love as what I could do for those I sought attention from.

My brain is hard wired and I need to make changes.  I need to say yes to myself and create a sense of whimsy about my day.  It’s not that I don’t laugh or feel joy — it’s those moments when I stop short of choosing freedom from what I “should” be doing.  Duty takes over and if done, I tap into tomorrow’s to do list.

Tapping and meditation have helped me slow down, listening and paying attention to the moment has given me perspective and the inevitable medication has lowered the high blood pressure that I fought so hard to will away.

I have developed a love of yoga and the calm it brings me.  Implementing the practice — me before work — is creating joy I never knew.  Simple fun — writing this blog, gym classes, green iced tea and my favorite coffee shop are “Yes’s” to me.   Work and play is a choice I make each day. Not one or the other.  Being centered in my life and core is essential to living my life well.  It is okay if others have to learn how to do the hard things without me.

New Goal Each Day





My Blog — My Story


Is There A Book In Me?

I have often thought of writing a book.  The problem is that I do not have the attention span to stay with one project for that long.  I look around and wonder what else I can investigate.  I prefer to accept that I have a curious mind as opposed to “Bright Shiny Object Syndrome.”  This is my own definition of my brain.  It is normal for me to change subjects constantly during the day.

Outside My Door — There Is Adventure

It is so tough for my family to follow me in conversation.  Luckily, I smile a lot so they at least see that I am happy.  The best conclusion to my day is one that is filled with new facts and a new set of subjects to master.

My Brain Each Day

So — I made a discovery this morning while sitting here with my thoughts at my favorite coffee shop — My blog can be my memoir.  I have no trouble focusing on an essay that comes freely from my brain to my fingers.  I can type faster than I can think (thank you high school typing class) — I can edit as I go and hit publish and poof it’s done.  Another chapter.  I don’t have to follow any order and every decade of my life is sprinkled throughout my focus for that day.  I work through my angel side and my demon side with every thought.

I would like to thank my mother for being a role model for writing.  She left a book of thoughts which give me comfort when I miss her.  I would like to thank my dad for my smile — when he was happy it was electric.

I thank my sister and brother for never letting me forget that I was the bossy one but acknowledge that I am always there to take care of things and encourage them — they are my rocks.

My husband, kids and grandkids are my reasons for joy.  When I am down, I can look at their faces and they reflect back the positivity that I have brought to their world.  I must never forget that they deserve to see my smile— just as I loved to see my dad smile.

Oh but wait — I am reading about artists, I need to get home to do a legal document for work, do I have everything I need for Kinsley’s Valentine’s Day Dance today, what will the weather bring this weekend? Like I said, Bright Shiny Object Syndrome — I am smiling.  I’m never far from my 18-year old self who had the whole world ahead of her.

Eighteen is Magical


Creative Ways To Find A Life Purpose

My thoughts always center around women helping women.  I want to create gatherings with women of all ages to offer support, ideas and laughter.



When I think back to my grandmothers and my own mother, I know that there were times that their unfulfilled dreams were realized within the women groups they surrounded themselves with.  I always loved the laughter that came out of the conversations I listened to and tried hard to always be in the middle of the gatherings.

Sharing Ideas

Listening is something I am good at.  I have an innate curiosity to understand how people got to this moment in time.  I am an encourager to not hold back and to find a way to make challenges become reality.

I have lived this — I went back to college and graduated with my bachelor degree at age 51.  Five years later I trained and ran a half marathon.  I needed to prove to myself that I could start something hard and keep at it until I completed it.

I want to spread positivity and give permission to women of any age who feel stuck and unfulfilled that no matter how hard or impractical an idea is — just try.

Keep The Door Open

My Life Needs Structure


In my daydreams I imagine every day just waking up with no plan, nothing to do.  Let the day take me where I want it to go.  No stress, no calls, no responsibility.  No one needs me, no one interrupts my thoughts and the house just gets cleaned if I feel like it.

Then I am jolted back to reality and realize that would not be as wonderful as it sounds.


Structure keeps me engaged and gives me purpose.  Being needed for my expertise or ideas is a great feeling of self satisfaction.  Cleaning the house gives me the time to organize and renew it’s function.  A clean house is so much fun to walk around in.  Having a place to go every day keeps me from procrastination.

I’m starting a class to engage others who might be feeling the need for structure in their lives.  No matter what the circumstance, it can always be a mood lifter to know someone needs what you have to offer.   Change is so difficult and getting stuck in a daily loop of “nothing much matters, I can do it tomorrow” are words that lack any joy.


I also need variety to my days.  I have set up my schedule to be flexible and fluid.  I set a loose schedule at the law office but get the work done. I can take a substitute teaching job if I can fit it into my week.  I can schedule a weekend trip on a whim.

I need exercise in my week at least 5 days.  If not, I start to lose the motivation to keep it up.  Results come slower at my age but it is a true statement that the endorphins really do bring a great feeling.  Going to the gym is tough some days but I walk out saying “I’m so glad I went.”  I live by the mantra — just do something, it’s better than doing nothing.


I have identified a few “happy” places in my life.  My favorite coffee shop offers me a respite from sitting in the house.  I walk in to my favorite iced green tea, air conditioning (or the fireplace) and friendly people who call me by name.  This small town feeling in a community is life affirming.

I also love our backyard.  It is calm and peaceful and gives me a feeling of belonging to something bigger than me.  Watching animals, trees, plants and weather live together is a lesson that I love to watch.  My patio offers a comfortable place to write and just reconnect with my soul.

Driving is peaceful for me — I recently got a new car with amazing power and “car play” lets me listen to whatever I choose.  That is a huge benefit of technology! Music can just elevate my mood more than anything else — especially the songs from my high school years.  It brings me back to that girl who had a future only she could design.


The daydream of nothing to do has passed through my brain and while I still get overwhelmed at times, creating my life does not have to be pressure filled.  It comes down to choices — it has taken years to find a peaceful balance.  Saying “no” makes me happy.

What I’ve Learned So Far-May 24

What I’ve Learned So Far…. May 24

Being ORGANIZED brings me peace — I know what I have and take the time to think an extra minute before buying more ……


Being CURIOUS keeps me moving forward even if I don’t feel like it ……


Being BRAVE has given me courage to take on jobs just to see if they fit me . . . it also helps me say no when my gut finally tells me to ….


Being KIND brings silent rewards that last an entire lifetime.

“Kind” by Sherry Carver 2020


My four favorite words ….


Alone Days For Mom

Every now and then I find the need for an alone day.  My life is very structured at this moment and I feel happy to break free  and have a day with no particular plan.

I think my entire family gets a signal from the universe when I pack up my IPad and head to my favorite coffee shop to write.  They follow me there — they want to be a part of my day.  How can I turn that down? I like talking to them one on one outside of the house.  They feel heard when it is just me without the interruptions that happen at home.  They are there to absorb my energy and not rush the conversations. I value these times more than they will ever know.

I learned a valuable tool with my family relationships.  Don’t give away every detail — leave them wanting more facts/ideas/stories.  Too many words get lost on my kids and husband.  They are looking for fresh takes on life and a back and forth discussion — not an entire history of my life and how I made it to this point.  Listening is the key to keeping them close.  Silence allows for full thoughts to be spoken and heard.

There is the inevitable break when I know they are done.  A look at a watch , a deep breath or a move away from the table is my signal.  I have learned to let them go at that moment.  Leave them wanting a next time — leave them walking away with a new perspective — leave them knowing they are valued and loved.

Transitions are hard for me.  I don’t like to let go of the moment.  My close relationships are with my husband and kids because they give me honest feedback and know me well.  Other relationships are pivotal and are tied to sharing common interests.  I have been burned many times when I divulge too much and gave more than was necessary or wanted. I would rather spend time alone than feel hurt or rejected simply for being me.  Is that what you call growing up? Content? Feeling at Peace?

I don’t need to prove my worth to them.  I feel it.  I see it in their eyes.  Time is going fast.  It’s not always the words that are remembered but the feelings from the moments that are cherished on both sides of the conversation.

I Can’t Draw –But I’m Creative

I just read this article and decided that even though I can’t draw that does not mean that I’m not creative in my own way . . . . . . .

Creating a Mental Studio

I have come to learn that creativity is essential to every day life.  There is so much bad news and stress — waking up can be overwhelming.   I realize that I don’t have to work every minute of the day to feel worthwhile. 

I found what I love — I write to express all the thoughts that build up in my head.  I take apart and put back together closets and cupboards to sort my brain and help it organize itself.  I listen to podcasts to make sure it is not just my opinion that I listen to. I walk to take in the feeling of calm that nature gives.  I clean to be able to start fresh and know what I have.   

A few reminders from some favorite writers ~~ Joyce Maynard and Bob Brush ~~

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